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30.        Service of orders, notices, etc.
Every order, notice and other process made or issued under these rules shall be served in person on the Government servant concerned or communicated to him by registered post.
31.        Power to relax time-limit and to condone delay
Save as otherwise expressly provided in these rules, the authority competent under these rules to make any order may, for good and sufficient reasons or if sufficient cause is shown, extend the time specified in these rules for anything required to be done under these rules or condone any delay.
32.       Supply of copy of Commission's advice
Whenever the Commission is consulted as provided in these rules, a copy of the advice by the Commission and where such advice has not been accepted, also a brief statement of the reasons for such non-acceptance, shall be furnished to the Government servant concerned along with a copy of the order passed in the case, by the authority making the order.
33.        Transitory Provisions
On and from the commencement of these rules, and until the publication of the Schedules under these rules, the Schedules to the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957, and the Civilians in Defence Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1952, as amended from time to time, shall be deemed to be the Schedules relating to the respective categories of Government servants to whom they are, immediately before the commencement of these rules, applicable and such Schedules shall be deemed to be the Schedules referred to in the corresponding rules of these rules.
34.                Repeal and Saving
(1)        Subject to the provisions of rule 33, the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957, and the Civilians in Defence Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1952, and any notifications or orders issued thereunder in so far as they are inconsistent with these rules, are hereby repealed:
Provided that-
(a)             such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said rules, or any notification or order made, or anything done, or any action taken, thereunder;
(b)             any proceedings under the said rules, pending at the commencement of these rules shall be continued and disposed of, as far as may be, in accordance with the provisions of these rules, as if such proceedings were proceedings under these rules.
(2)        Nothing in these rules shall be construed as depriving any person to whom these rules apply, of any right of appeal which had accrued to him under the rules, notification or orders in force before the commencement of these rules.
(3)        An appeal pending at the commencement of these rules against an order made before such commencement shall be considered and orders thereon shall be made, in accordance with these rules as if such orders were made and the appeals were preferred under these rules.
(4)        As from the commencement of these rules any appeal or application for review against any orders made before such commencement shall be preferred or made under these rules, as if such orders were made under these rules :
Provided that nothing in these rules shall be construed as reducing any period of limitation for any appeal or review provided by any rule in force before the commencement of these rules.
35.               Removal of doubts
If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the President or such other authority as may be specified by the President by general or special order, and the President or such other authority shall decide the same.
Government of India’s Instructions
(1)        Copy of advice by UPSC to be given to Government servant
Rule 32 lays down inter alia that a copy of the advice given by the Union Public Service Commission should be furnished to the Government servant concerned.  It has been decided, in consultation with the Commission, that henceforth the Commission should furnish two spare copies along with the original advice letter in each case.  In respect of disciplinary cases received from State/Central Government in regard to All India Service Officers also, the Commission will adopt the same practice, the only difference being that, in case of references received from State Governments, one spare copy of the advice letter will be sent to them and the other to Home Ministry for information.
[MHA OM No. F.23/19/60-Ests.(B) dated the 29th December, 1964].
(2)        Procedure regarding closing of disciplinary cases in the event of death of the charged official
This Department has been receiving references seeking clarification whether disciplinary cases initiated against the Government servant under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, would be closed in the event of death or the charged officer during pendency of the proceedings.  After careful consideration of all the aspects, it has been decided that where a Government servant dies during the pendency of the inquiry i.e. without charges being proved against him, imposition of any of the penalties prescribed under the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, would not be justifiable.  Therefore, disciplinary proceedings should be closed immediately on the death of the alleged Government servant.
[Deptt. Of Personnel & Training OM No. 11012/7/99-Estt. (A) dated 20th October, 1999]
(3)        Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties  
One of the issues in Writ Petition (c) No. 606/1993 in the matter of Election Commission of India Vs. Union of India & Others was regarding jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over the Government servants deputed for election duties under section 28A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and section 13CC of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.  The Supreme Court by its order dated 21.09.2000 disposed of the said petition in terms of the settlement between the Union of India and Election Commission of India.  The said Terms of Settlement are as under :-
“The disciplinary functions of the Election Commission over officers, staff and police deputed to perform election duties shall extend to –
(a)        Suspending any officer/official/police personnel for insubordination or dereliction of duty;
(b)        Substituting any officer/official/police personnel by another such person, and returning the substituted individual to the cadre to which he belongs, with appropriate report on his conduct;
(c)        making recommendation to the competent authority, for taking disciplinary action, for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty, while on election duty.  Such recommendation shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority, and action taken will be communicated to the Election Commission; within a period of 6 months from the date of the Election Commission’s recommendation.
(d)        the Government of India will advise the State Governments that they too should follow the above principles and decisions, since a large number of election officials are under their administrative control.”
2.         The implication of the disposal of the Writ Petition by the Supreme Court in terms of the above settlement is that the Election Commission can suspend any officer/official/police personnel working under the Central Government or Public Sector Undertaking or an autonomous body fully or substantially financed by the Government for insubordination or dereliction of duty and the Election Commission can also direct substituting any officer/official/police personnel by another person besides making recommendations to the Competent Authority for taking disciplinary action for insubordination or dereliction of duty while engaged in the preparation of electoral rolls or election duty.  It is also clarified that it is not necessary to amend the service rules for exercise of powers of suspension by the Election Commission in this case since these powers are derived from the provisions of section 13CC of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and section 28A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 since provisions of these Acts would have overriding effect over the disciplinary rules.  However, in case there are any conflicting provisions in an Act governing the disciplinary action, the same are required to be amended suitably in accordance with the Terms of Settlement.
[Deptt. Of Personnel & Training OM No. 11012/7/98-Estt. (A), dated 7th November, 2000] 
(4)  Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties.
Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M. No. 11012/7/98-Estt. (A) dated 07.11.2000 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject and to say that the Election Commission have observed that the Governments in many cases do not initiate proceedings promptly against  Government servants on the Commission’s recommendations.
2.         As per the aforementioned O.M. dated 07.11.2000, disciplinary action against officers, staff and police personnel deputed on election duties shall be governed by the principles and decisions agreed to between the Union Government and the Election Commission and as recorded by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its Order dated 21.09.2000 in Writ Petition (C) No. 606 of 1993 (Election Commission of India vs. Union of India and Ors.).  The terms of settlement were as follows :-
“The disciplinary functions of the Election Commission over officers, staff and police deputed to perform election duties shall extend to –
(a)          Suspending any officer/official/police personnel for insubordination or dereliction of duty;
(b)          Substituting any officer/official/police personnel by another such person, and returning the substituted individual to the cadre to which he belongs, with appropriate report on his conduct;
(c)          making recommendation to the competent authority, for taking disciplinary action, for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty, while on election duty.  Such recommendation shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority, and action taken will be communicated to the Election Commission; within a period of 6 months from the date of the Election Commission’s recommendations;
(d)          the Government of India will advise the State Governments that they too should follow the above principles and decisions, since a large number of election officials are under their administrative control.”
It has been brought to the notice of this Department by the Election Commission of  India that in many cases the Governments concerned do not initiate promptly disciplinary action against the delinquent officials as recommended by the Commission as envisaged in the aforesaid agreement.
3.         The instructions issued in terms of the DOPT’s O.M. dated 07.11.2000 are, therefore, reiterated and it is emphasized that the terms of settlement have to be complied with while adhering to the provisions of the relevant disciplinary rules.  The recommendations of the Election Commission made to the Competent Authority for taking disciplinary action for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty while on duty shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority and action taken should be communicated to the Election Commission within a period of six months from the date of the Election Commission’s recommendations.
4.         All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the aforementioned Terms of Settlement and the contents of para 3 above to the notice of all concerned for information and compliance.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11012(4)/2008-Estt. (A)Dated  the 20th March, 2008].
(5)       Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties. 
Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M. of even number dated 20.03.2008 on the above mentioned subject and to say that attention was drawn therein to the principles and decisions agreed to between the Union Government and the Election Commission of India in respect of disciplinary action against the Government servants deputed for election duties.  The relevant Terms of Settlement have been cited in para 1 of DOPT’s O.M. No. 11012/7/98-Estt. (A) dated 07.11.2000. As per part(c) of these Terms of Settlement,  
(a)           the disciplinary functions of the Election Commission over the officers, staff and police deputed to perform election duties shall extend, inter alia, to making recommendation to the competent authority for taking disciplinary action for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty while on election duty.; and

(b)            such recommendation shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority and the action taken will be communicated to the Election Commission within a period of six months from the date of the Commission’s recommendation. 
The instructions issued in this regard were reiterated in the DOPT’s O.M. dated 20-3-2008 wherein it was emphasized that the aforementioned Terms of Settlement have to be complied with while adhering to the provisions of the relevant disciplinary rules. 
2.             The matter concerning departmental proceedings against officials appointed on election duty has recently been further considered by the Government.  It has now been decided that it shall be mandatory for the disciplinary authorities to consult the Election Commission if the matter is proposed to be closed only on the basis of  a written explanation given by officer concerned to enable the Commission to provide necessary inputs to the disciplinary authorities before the Disciplinary Authorities take a final decision.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11012(4)/2008-Estt. (A) Dated  the 28th July, 2008]
(6)       Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties.
Reference is invited to the Department of Personnel and Training’s letter of even number dated 20.03.2008 on the above mentioned subject and to say that attention was drawn therein to the principles and decisions agreed to between the Union Government and the Election Commission of India in respect of disciplinary action against the Government servants deputed for election duties.  The relevant Terms of Settlement have been cited in para 1 of DOPT’s letter No. 11012/7/98-Estt. (A) dated 07.11.2000. As per part(c) of these Terms of Settlement,
(a)  the disciplinary functions of the Election Commission over the officers, staff and police deputed to perform election duties shall extend, inter alia, to making recommendation to the competent authority for taking disciplinary action for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty while on election duty.; and

(b)  such recommendation shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority and the action taken will be communicated to the Election Commission within a period of six months from the date of the Commission’s recommendation.  
The instructions issued in this regard were reiterated in the Department of Personnel and Training’s letter dated 20-3-2008 wherein it was emphasized that the aforementioned Terms of Settlement have to be complied with while adhering to the provisions of the relevant disciplinary rules.  
2.         The matter concerning departmental proceedings against officials appointed on election duty has recently been further considered by the Government.  It has now been decided that it shall be mandatory for the disciplinary authorities to consult the Election Commission if the matter is proposed to be closed only on the basis of  a written explanation given by officer concerned to enable the Commission to provide necessary inputs to the disciplinary authorities before the Disciplinary Authorities take a final decision.
3.  It is requested that the decision referred to in para 2 may be followed by all the State Governments/Union Territory Administration in the cases of officials deputed by them for election duties.
[DOPT O.M. No. 11012(4)/2008-Estt. (A) Dated  the 28th July, 2008]


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