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KVS Vice Principal EXAM (03-11-2018) Answer Key English

KVS Vice Principal EXAM (03-11-2018) Answer key (English)

Directions for question numbers 1 and 2:

In the following items a word is followed by four explanatory expressions. Choose the expression which best describes the word.

1. think tank

1. a nodal agency of the state that gathers data and informations about the citizens
2.oval glass houses installed inside libraries to be used by members.
3. government agencies vested with powers to oversee and assess policy measures
4. a group of experts brought together to develop ideas a particular subject and to make suggestions for action

Correct Option :-a group of experts brought together to develop ideas a particular subject and to make suggestions for action

2. brainstorming

1. an activity inside a classroom which morally breaks down the barrier between teacher and the taught
2. an activity in which a group of people meet to suggest a lot of new ideas for possible development
3. a session with the psychiatrist in which the analysand undergoes a rigorous process of self-examination
4. a confession in a church where the father makes an elaborate hearing on the past sins

Correct Option :-an activity in which a group of people meet to suggest a lot of new ideas for possible development

Directions for question numbers 3 and 4:

In each of the following sentences improve the underlined part with the help of given options

3. He die last week after a long fight with cancer
1. is dead
2. was dying
3. has died
4. died,
Correct Option :- died,

4 She goes shopping at an every opportunity

1. at all opportunities
2. at each opportunity
3. at all opportunity
4. at every opportunity

Correct Option :-at all opportunities

5. The following idiom is followed by four meanings. Choose the one which best expresses its meaning.

 to wipe the slate clean 

1. to make up for a lost fortune
2. to remove all obstacles from one's path
3. to restore order in an unruly situation
4. to start a new and better way of behaving

Correct Option :-to start a new and better way of behaving

6. In the following sentence, out of the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the underlined word.

She has some rather contentious views on religion.

1. involuntary
2. causing disagreement
3. substantial
4. negative

Correct Option :- causing disagreement

7. In the following sentence, one part may have an error. Choose the one which has the error if any.

I/ look forward to/ hear/ from you

Correct Option :- is (3) correct sentence is I look forward to hearing from you

Directions for question numbers 8 and 9:

Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verb with the help of options that follow:

8. It is instinct _____ when to begin their migration.

1. that was telling the birds
2. that is telling the birds
3. that told the birds
4. that tells the birds

Correct Option :-that tells the birds

9. Hari always lent a sympathetic ear_______

1. if you have been having problems
2. if you have problems
3. if you had problems
4. if you are having problems

Correct Option :- if you had problems

Choose the word most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.


1. Inane
2. Exorbitant
3. Distant
4. Sterile

Correct Option :- Sterile


  1. review for kvs principal exam also in next post.
    thank you

  2. Sir plz provide answer key to the Education & Administration parts of the VP exam


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