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MCQ test on vakya bhed रचना के आधार पर वाक्य भेद


  1. Replies
    1. This test is of soo.. much low level this is not fot class 10

  2. Replies
    1. it is availabe in the below link

  3. thx I got 9/10,keep sending mcqs in google form it is the best..

  4. this is so good thanks for such test i got 8/10
    keep going

  5. Good to recalculate the topic...
    U should make more tests like these .

  6. I got 10/10. I am in KV, Our half yearly of session 2020-21 are going to start, Thank you so much for uploading this..

  7. Replies
    1. just submit and view scores.. it will also tell which ans is incorrect and ans of that ques

  8. Hurray ! I got 10/10
    Thank you!
    It was much helpful for practice.

  9. thank you so much
    i got 10/10
    it help me so much

  10. Best site for mcqs.

  11. I got 10/10, My pre - boards are actually coming so I thought of practising it and eventually I found this & it prove to be a great help for me In revising.

  12. Replies
    1. Thank You..........It Was Very Much Helpful For Me To Prepare For My Exams

  13. Please create MCQS of Sparsh and Sanchayan like this .

  14. I got 10/10 this is so easy can you please increase the level🙂

  15. I think more questions could have been given for practice as 10 questions are actually not enough for a vast topic like samaas. Also the quality of questions was average. As this is 10 th class students expect questions of higher difficulty and of course the number should be more in order to prepare for board exams. Kindly add more questions if you can.


  16. Thnx for it i scored 8 out of 10��

  17. Helpful for students ,
    I scored 10/10 .

  18. Follow me on instagram I'll fllw back u my id - the_mad_hatter_29


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